my name is michelle lauden, and i am the founder of stretch of the imagination. i came to give you a little history about our school and tell you a little bit about how we approach early childhood. almost nine years ago, we started on union street in a small commercial space, where we were after-school program. i was teaching in a preschool and wanted to put my approach for four children, which was to give them more time and space to be creative, get messy, and have a hands-on learning. it started out as art, yoga, and music classes. we opened it up to two year olds, which took us to a new level. there was a lot of demand for classes' to give them a head start in their education. we grew from that 900 sq. ft. space in bush street. we live above the school at this time. we have our program on the bottom floor. i and all the people in the community of educators approach education in i think a unique way. we really believe in the capability of young children, and that they are capable. if you hold them up to great expectations, they will meet those expectations. it