. >> hi, i'm michelle lundy. a retired childcare provider. i had a preschool in glen park for 33 years. i'm for both measures. i don't want to be campaigning against housing but it's an impossible situation here with the two legislations. we need both. i brought you valentines yesterday from our children and i hope it can be worked out. we need both. i was on the state board of the family childcare association and san francisco for years has been a leader in what we did fer what they've provide and this measure will help children and families and when i got signatures in glen park it was easy. we're having a baby boom in glen park. just stay on the playground and get signatures but glen park has changed as my supervisor was saying. when i bought my house 45 years ago it was a working class neighborhood. thank you very much. supervisor stefani, i have another valentine for you from parent voices. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm salary large the executive director for the past three decades of friends of st. francis childcare center. th