. >> a situation she finds founder michelle maddic had to resolve. >> all we do is make it easy for busy online. we scour the web for the best of the best, and we tell you how to get it. >> but expanding business and different personalities working together, tensions arose between departments. >> i constantly have to play the mediator between the two. trying to say, you don't understand what they're doing and what's happening on the other side. >> hoping to increase communication and understanding in the office, michelle and her team enlisted the team of stella and her team at woopaah. >> businesses need this the most. it turns out that well-being has a very high relationship with productivity, creativity and effectiveness. when i say well-being, i mean their sense of connection with one another. >> event started unexpected with blind folds for all participants. stella had them all taste and eat foods to heighten their senses. >> once they're heightened, they're feeling alive. that's when we do deeper work. >> by deeper work, she means getting to the root of the problem. stella handed th