i'm going to show you the trailer, then michelle malkin here. watch. >> the republican party is controlled by a bunch of bigots. >> many of these people are multibillionaires. >> the only way the bigots are going to learn is if we take their power away from them. >> if they can utilize our money to basically accomplish their social agenda, that's a great thing for them. >> if you think you know colorado, think again. >> a shop owner in colorado now facing jail time after he refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. >> they made new rules. they changed the rules, then they exploited those rules. there's a war going on. >> they want to tell me what doctor i can go to, what health plan i can have, that is the war on women. >> they've passed legislation that's been anti-gun, anti-family, anti-energy development. >> citizens united productions presents -- >> the colorado state flag is still flying flag here at least for now. >> they're fundamentally changing our culture here in colorado. >> we need to legalize marijuana nationally. >> this is a