. >> like most moms, michelle nagra who has four kids has one phone overflowing with photos. >> it always has, like, 2,000 pictures or so on my computer. >> pictures that rarely made it from phone to frame because printing can be such a process. >> you can crop the pictures if you want. >> but, now, new apps like free print make it easy to print directly from your album. >> you can print out a hundred pictures every month for just the shipping fee. and the pictures actually turn out really great. >> another app. snaparific is similar and lets you send prints to anyone in your address book. one popular option? turning a picture into a canvas. >> we actually strip the photographic emulsion off of the paper and mount that on canvas. you get a really nice check that looks like a painting. >> there's another cool way to send photos for all of you instagram fans. it's called post-a-gram. what's real neat is that the photo on the card actually pops out. if you need printsight away, walgreen's has an app called kick send. you can pick up to 30 photos at a time in the store within an hour. keep me