joining me for the discuss are michelle quinn san jose mercury news columnist, and paul rogers and carla. a quick review of some highlights of 2014. >> the year of the california drought and a statewide scramble over water. in january, governor brown declared a state of emergency and ended the year with voter approval for a $7 million bond to shore up the supply of water. schools were tested. a landmark legal case challenged teacher tenure. >> save city college. >> and the university of california set off student protests when it announced substantial tuition hikes. rising housing hikes left many feeling priced out. some silicon valley high-tech darlings created controversy for disrupting traditional industry from transportation to hospitality. new surveillance technologies make it increasingly easy to spy on ordinary citizens. it was the 150th anniversary of yosemite national park. and the 25th anniversary of an earthquake earthquake. while a major quake in august shook napa valley anew. there was the passing of robin williams. concerns over the new span of the bay bridge. in sports the