my best friend and sassy judge from "drag race" michelle visage. [ cheers and applause ] that's rightguillermo, you are in good hands. michelle has done extensive research with latin men. [ laughter ] >> you better drop that chalupa. [ laughter ] >> rupaul: you know, we are currently in production of season 800 of "drag race." [ laughter ] you know, our shows were nominated for 11 emmys this year. [ cheers and applause ] isn't that wild? 11. i got to tell you, i feel like the dick wolf of drag. [ laughter ] or maybe the drag wolf of [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] i should actually be so lucky. now of course, the big story today is that president biden tested positive for covid. but according to the white house, biden is feeling pretty good for a 300-year-old man. [ laughter ] joe said his symptoms are mild, and he'll be back to falling off his bike in no time. [ laughter ] he also put out this nice little video update. >> i'm joe biden and i approve this message. hey, there, buckaroos, it's your pal joey sack o' nickels. as you probably heard, i got a case of the covid. think one of the neig