michiel didn't know that. or-- michiel felt he could negotiate with terrorists.with terrorists. the reality is you can't negotiate with a terrorist. and mark stover was a domestic violence terrorist. keith morrison: mark's friends and clients had by now gathered around the courthouse here in mount vernon determined to tell the world, anybody who would listen, that those claims were both unfair and untrue. most of all these reports that we hear are filed by her alone and by her eyewitness alone and absolutely no one else's. so you've got to weigh that in at some point too, that it doesn't have that much meat to it. woman: i just knew that wasn't true about him. there was-- there was nothing in him that was malicious or vindictive. keith morrison: and perhaps to answer them? a surprising and extremely unusual strategy. in mid-trial john henry browne brought his client to see us, here on the outskirts of little mount vernon. michiel oakes before even talking to the jury would make his case here. preparation for his own testimony? yes, probably. but also, a wild bomb