keith morrison: but she certainly saw a lot of michiel oakes. ngs, intimate feelings toward mr. oakes and vice versa. yes. and in fact, i think that you said that in our interview last week, is that you loved him, correct? i don't recall if i said that or not, but i do. yes. keith morrison: and hadn't her new lover done her a favor, asked the prosecutor, by getting rid of the ex-husband she accused of causing her so much trouble? the fact is that in this case, you don't have to worry about mr. stover, now do you? it appears to be that case. and in that sense, the defendant helped you out, correct? no. prosecutor kaholokula also asked opdycke about her refusal to answer certain questions in the case. now, it's correct, isn't it, that throughout the investigation of this case, you've been concerned about your own potential legal liability in this case. yes. and you refused to speak with my office, correct? under legal counsel, yes. keith morrison: and this testimony now in court, suggested the prosecutor, sounded like a woman with an obvious and se