[applause] i gotta tell you, having people like mick mulvaney and reed rib on the budget committee is breath of fresh air. so in the house we put out a budget to get this situation under control. we do four things. number one, we cut spending. $6.2 trillion of spending. [applause] we just think it's this novel idea that we ought to get government to live within its means and that we should give our children a debt-free nation, and we literally put into place a plan that literally pays off our national debt. [applause] number two, like in the mid 1990s we had great success with welfare reform, but we only reformed one of the several welfare programs in the federal government. we need to finish reforming our welfare system. [applause] but we want to have a welfare system that is geared not toward keeping people on welfare, but getting them back on their feet in the lives of self-sufficiency. that's what this country's about. [applause] if we go down this path or this tipping point of having more takers than makers in america, then we will become a european cradle to grey social well --