. >> mickey barnett is the chairman of the post office board.st service has grown and changed with america. but you don't change. you're a government monopoly. you barely change. >> 250,000 fewer employees than we had. >> but you don't fire anybody. >> no. >> if government did fire people the big government media would say things like this. >> they are hell-bent on seeing the u.s. postal service die. >> the manager just wait for workers to quit or retire. >> attrition is kinder, that's why you do it? >> well, we have union contracts that also have no layoff provisions in it and so forth. >> how do you run a business that way? >> part of being a quasi-governmental entity. that's how the cookie crumbles. >> fedex continues to thrive while the postal service bleeds billions. >> fedex, ups, and others make billions because they innovate and cut costs. >> ups. >> postal officials like mickey barnett tried to do that, tried to close money losers like these. why weren't they closed long ago? >> political pressure. >> congress can kill any major chain.