so also i have representatives of the comptroller's office, then rosenfield, mickey callahan, the humanesources divisions that are here today, nadia from our public financing, and certainly kate howard and the budget staff, all here to help me help the city college to make sure they continue in the best tradition that we have in our city. after all, they need our help, our support. they will not be able to accomplish it all by themselves, so no less than any other educational institution. they cannot do it alone. certainly, i get that message from hydra a lot. working with her on the board of education, as well as her being at the city college at this time, and then with our community assets, read it is here at the head of children, youth, and family. she has been a critical part of the programs that support our educational institutions and will be similarly so when we meet the challenges of our community college. our community colleges, as i say earlier, is the really important part. let me tell you how important. 90,000 students come through city college. we cannot let that fail. we w