. >> mickey landry is the executive director of choice foundation which runs this school and two others his staff trained for two years to implement the new standards and landry is confident students will benefit. >> three to five years down the road. >> a bipartisan group of governors and education experts from 48 states came to the same conclusion when they developed the standards in 2010. the standards in 2010. they were building on the bush administration's accountability driven no child left behind policy. the obama administration embraced it and encouraged states to do the same, if they wanted in on federal race to the top funds. >> in 2012, louisiana's republican governor bobby jindal announced his support at a choice foundation school with mickey landry by his side. >> parents and kids will not be trapped in a failing school because of their zip code, income, gender or color. this summer, the governor announced he wanted louisiana to join three other states, oklahoma, indiana and south carolina in rejecting the standards. >> at some point, you have to say enough is enough and th