super addictive properties into it so people were kind of a bit cracked out trying to get this mickey mouthooks like something someone who knows about art would say is not art. >> uh, yeah. >> but what do i know, maybe noted critic jerry can help me appreciate the true value of people's work. >> what you're seeing is pure crap ola. they're cartooning unridgable bro high school notebook blah. >> it also sold for $69 million. how do you reconcile your personal opinion with the fact that he's now super rich? >> well, art has always loved sleeping with money, and money loves having sex with art. >> in this case it's more like they're 69-ing, right? >> it's like a dick-waiving contest. at auctions you see white guys bidding up other white guys until, you know, they bring home the trophy. the next tech bro will want to pay $70 million to own the same looking thing, but i promise you all of them are going to lose money except for, you know, the four or five percent. >> and that's what america is all about. if the price of making money is you, jerry, shitting on it, i think that's the price i'm wil