the am micki krimmel founder of not working my passion is playing roller derby. i am obsessed. i love the aggression. i love the competitiveness. a bubble that, i love my team. above all all that -- that, i love my team. let's neighbors share. you're constantly getting hit down, but you have to get back up again. if there are losses here in error, or setbacks, you have to get up and keep going. it is good for business. a set ofgineers have unique challenges, whether it is being underestimated by your peers or even outnumbered. i work in technology. and there are not many of us. if a woman is too confident, too aggressive, or too competitive, she seems not lady like. we struggle with this is women. in roller derby, you learn that being aggressive and competent and competitive is what makes you win. i think i will play until i can't play anymore. i am released -- really proud of what this sport means. i don't see any reason to stop. >> that is a serious lady. up next, we will take a look at the big