because although you were mixing with celebrities, with mickjagger and all the most famous musicians, of the fashion models in paris and milano and london, seduced just by celebrity and fame. you wanted something else. yeah, you know, itell you, i was telling you that for me, photography is a media. it's not that i am a photographer because i like black and white picture. you know, i'm not an artist. i think photography is a media, is a sociopolitical action. and that's the way i always try to use it. also, when i did pictures of, you know, fashion or advertising, every picture has got a political message. every one. even a postcard. see, what interests me about you is that i think from a young age, you were very political. and i think it's fair to say you were of the left. you know, you had strong opinions. uh-huh. and yet you entered the world of advertising, which is the most capitalistic form of communication. advertising is... it doesn't really touch me. i never actually did advertising. that's the point. but you were paid a lot of money by some of the biggest brands and business