. -- we onlyson lies recently realized it could cause things like micro encephalon he and children. encephaly andphalon children. it is a problem for the future and it is a sign of how diseases can take us by surprise. your question about partisanship, when the zika epidemic was manifesting, obama asked congress for appropriations to try and fight it and they devolved into partisan squabbling. that delayed the passing of those appropriations by several which things had to be kamala lysed -- had to be usedbalized from things for influenza and hiv and the cause problemsn and how we deal with these diseases. i'm concerned about the lack of for scientific evidence and the value it brings. we need scientists to show us how best to fight these diseases and to influence effective policy. and the lack of scientific advice in the white house and in the administration at the moment should be a cause of deep concern to all americans. there is no scientific advisor in place. the office that provides the service is very, very thin, and there are just few qualified people to provide that kind of