geographic and they have that classic w graphic of the winners and losers and on the winner side like micro lg and jellyfish do we really knoww that? have we done these experiments that they can do this in the future? so i dove into the scientific literature and i found that we had not done the experiments to know that. with that scientific argument what is happening in today's oceans to the jellyfish? what we are doing or making life better like coastal development, the runoff of fertilizers, overfishing, all of these thing things, the jellyfish seemed to tolerate them very well so are they overhanging theas ecosystem? so then there was pushback to say we don't know. and not study jellyfish because our view of the ocean becomes biased that is hard to handle that treatment so to me it was the incredible scientific question that leads me into the world of jellyfish. >> they are really interesting they are animals with complex behaviors including sleeping oddly enough. a new study just came out but yet no centralized nervous system and no brain. so tell us about the life history and the biology