for example, through microfranchises.way, women have a way to earn money quickly and directly. p>> this is where josefa gimenez lives. she's been taking part in the program for three months and is specializing in soap. with the help of fundacion paraguaya, it's becoming a humming business. p>> i buy the soap here from fundacion paraguaya. then i mix it and sell it. it works very well. p>> nancy ramos comes here too, to talk with josefa about her situation. and josefa is working towards a very specific goal. p>> i'd like to have a new kitchen. that's my dream! and i want to achieve it. p>> for now, josefa still cooks outdoors. but soon, that's going to change. that when you see a problem, you should fix it? well, marius smit did just that. he was tired of seeing plastic waste polluting the canals of amsterdam and decided to take action. he never expected his idea would become a thriving business and one that even turns trash into something useful. what's more, it seems to be fun too! p>> cruising the canals of amsterdam, b