so i've come to amsterdam to speak with biologist and head of the micropia museum, jasper buikx. he has some sobering information about the microbes' role in the human body. - there's about 10 times more microbes in and on your body than you have body cells. so you're actually more microbe than you're human. - that is quite a scary thought. so i'm basically just a carrier for the microbes. micropia developed a technology to help visualize this unseen universe. - this is where you can visit your own microbes. this is you, you're being scanned and we're gonna see who has the most microbes. so every dot that you see here is a microbe, a total of a hundred thousand billion of them. 99% of all those trillions of microbes live in your intestines. these are all digital dots, of course, but we also have them alive. - the staggering number of microbes on display makes my skin crawl, but there's an odd sense of beauty to behold. when you see these under the microscope, moving, all of a sudden hits you like they're inside you right now. that is crazy. the first person to accidentally see th