government board to sever the relationship and this action has been terminated , the shah had said that middelton objected to this work, and he came to me at night and objected to this work. we have a problem if we find a problem or doubt . this is the decision of the government board and the work is done. mohammad reza shah is not on the side of the people, he is standing on the side of england. it means, in fact , to write in english. this means england and the king of iran are facing the people in order to continue to send oil to england. because i myself have no base or support other than foreign and british forces. pahlavi regime both during his father's time and during his time. it takes its legitimacy not from the elements of the internal components but from the government and foreign powers . the nationalization of the oil industry and the presence of mossadegh in the government are one he had become one of the serious concerns of the british government , and therefore , after a period of struggle, he sought to remove him from the political scene and overthrow the iranian national governm