mean it's really interesting when we look at what's going non in what's called the greater middle east west asia and institute here moniker. but i mean there's, there's some very interesting conflicts being played out and i'm not looking at states, okay. states in this region are very, very weak for the most part. um, you can even make that case about israel and its internal politics. but nonetheless, here you have a new ottoman ism, you have american head gemini, and is really zionism. i mean, that's a very interesting parlay in a small geographical space. go ahead, george. the good. it is indeed, but what has turned out in 20232024. and what israel has demonstrated, hey, we can do all of this and we can get away with it. and basically just israel's adversaries that have taken the hit and confir age of all of the predictions. so somehow israel's in terrible trouble and that the, the axis of resistance is going to crush israel. now it's going to the other way. so what does that mean with the, with the incoming very sign is the administration of the trunk. is that the, this is the opportunity tha