skincare is growing too, so honestly i am very optimistic about the short-term, middle-term, long-termsibilities of this industry. francine: what do you think you spend most of your innovation on? is it, for example, making lipstick that lasts longer? is it kind of changing at a little bit? i know you have so many products. jean paul: and a few secrets. francine: but you can tell us. we are amongst friends. ♪ francine: we were talking about what the next four years will bring, and it is a lot more e-commerce. how do i choose my makeup online? it must be difficult to choose the right coloring. jean paul: now technologies are amazing. you can test online, on your cell phone for example, simulate the application of the makeup on your face. and you see yourself with the lips covered with the lipstick you want, the shade you need, the powder, the mascaras. you know i did a demonstration of that to my board completely made up. it was, they were ecstatic. francine: was that for the launch of the app? jean paul: yeah. francine: so they said, yes, fantastic. jean paul: i wanted to share with th