. -- middlet opec eastern and opec members wrapup come pass the with expansions. -- ramp up capacity their expansions. they all have major expansion plans that their moving forward with. if they carry that out, either you see prices they low forever or you see opec with a bigger market share having a greater capacity to then move the market if they so choose. if they don't ramp up, and historically they have not good -- have not done a good job of so when you look towards 2017 and 2018 you hit an air pocket and get a more bullish market. you very much for joining us and breaking down this opec meeting. >> a non-event he called it. say itup, brazil bears is too soon to celebrate the impeachment of the president. we explain after the break. ♪ sure, tv has evolved over the years. it's gotten squarer. brighter. bigger. it's gotten thinner. even curvier. but what's next? for all binge watchers. movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. scarlet: that is a beautiful shot of new york. i am scarlet fu. "what'd you miss?" the mass shooting in san bernar