. >> i want to bring in cnn analyst danny cevallos, paul callan and midwin charles. everyone sees this on every little bit of forensics. midwin, i want you to start. all of a sudden it's seven shots, not six, and trajectory indicates it's while michael brown was falling? could it not also be while michael brown was charging? >> it can. this is why you need to look at all of the evidence in totality. but what i find interesting about this additional bullet that has come out of thin air is that we have to remember that michael brown was unarmed. so that means that this police officer is going to have to explain each and every bullet. at what point did he feel that his life was still in danger after bullet one, after bullet two, after bullet three, after bullet four, so on and so forth. >> we don't shoot on a regular basis perhaps, but bullets are fired, pop, pop, pop, pop, not pop, let me take a peak, let me take another assessment. >> well, you still have to -- you're a trained police officer. >> yeah. >> so you still have to account for your actions, particularly when