the evening address of the ukrainian president, where as we said earlier zelensky instructed that migal to look for a replacement by the current minister of culture museum cultural centers symbols series all this is important, but now other priorities find out of budgetary funds not to the state . ra to consider the replacement of the minister of culture and information policy of ukraine it should be noted that tkachenko's resignation was talked about a long time ago on the website of the cabinet of ministers, a petition was registered on the website of the cabinet of ministers demanding the resignation of the minister of culture, it received the necessary number of votes, but the government said that it was impossible to establish the facts and circumstances of the minister's dismissal , and tkachenko's dismissal was also demanded by activists during this year's book arsenal in kyiv . do you know that the president instructed the government to find a replacement for mr. tkachenko or tkachenko himself, realizing that there was criticism from the public, brought his resignation letter to