mihir, what do you think of boris johnson's message? course.ihir, what do you think of boris johnson's message? well, boris boris johnson's message? well, boris johnson has been trying to play down the middle, all the johnson has been trying to play down the middle, allthe noises johnson has been trying to play down the middle, all the noises that were coming through the weekend. we might have a two week circuit breaker which would have been really, the lockdown in a new form. as ros said, he's trying to connect with humanity but also, in the spirit of winston churchill, in his speech, what is interesting is that part of the speech is open to criticism. he says we depend on our own individual behaviour. people already on twitter have been reminding us of that in a way, the measures he hopes will work, certainly the scientists will have been putting him under pressure to be more severe. some ministers we re to be more severe. some ministers were putting him under pressure to be more severe. ijust want to interrupt, that's exactly what's on the f