there was another aggravated assault at mijoro's. -- mijoto' another club, somebody was spraying champagne allover. i do not know if they have a bottle service their war a champagne bottle, but, once again, they need to be able to see if there is an empty bottle or to have it in the waitresses hand, not the patrons. this last weekend was pretty good, but the weekend before, we had a lot of violence in the broadway and columbus area. i will not go into every detail, but there was some fighting, resisting officers. there was a robbery with the gun on jackson street. there was another battery. and two more batteries, one on broadway and grand, and another on geary. the reason we bring it up is that it is not a specific club, but the problems of our outside, just down the street, and it makes a big difference as far as dealing with the club. whether it be restrictions are anything, it is really helpful. if there is a fight over at one club, that is less resources. it makes a huge difference. >> i, too, am very glad to see the entertainment commis