. - mikael st-pierre is a young and inspiring urban planner.is friends - lawyers, urbanists and designers - he founded lande, a non-profit helping citizens reclaim vacant land. they see themselves as facilitators. they dig up the info about the current owner of the vacant land, whether it's the city or a private owner, secure access to it and even help with design and community engagement so that citizens develop their own projects. the people of the neighborhood then take the helm, giving new life to the dead space around their homes. we have a tool that we made. it's a website and i can show it to you. it's a map where you can see all those spots in the city of montreal. as of right now, we have over one hundred vacant lands that are on the map and those are all vacant lands that people sent us. let's say we click on where we are right now. here's all the information about it. so that's the basic information. we also have this facebook plug in where people can start comments, saying : "...i live close by and want to do something." - this is e