the issue of domestic violence which we all are for, but also the fact that lieutenant colonel mike aquinoe in the city is involved in human trafficking and sacrifices. he's been exposed in eight states by over eight of had i victims. the bottom line is [speaker not understood] i gave to district attorney [speaker not understood] august 3rd, this year. and it says, we are coming to expose you for covering up this murder of kevin [speaker not understood]. and p.s., as san francisco police department and now d.a.. now, we're going to give you each a copy of this update, but this is addressed to sheriff mirkarimi dated today. here is the ammo you need to go after d.a. gaskon for his protection of aquino torture and murders. please call me. i want to add to that stating that as chief of police, he stopped the investigation by deputy chief of police chin, shinn, who he put out to pasture instead of investigating the murders that aqino was involved in, he put him on the airport in security. in addition to that we have, of course, the board of supervisors need to pass a resolution and assist the