medical technician mike borkowski has worked here for almost 17 years. >> it's an entire different worldfrom the outside. coming here it takes a long time to get used to that. because you get lied to. you get called every name in the book. and you have to put that aside. sometimes it's even -- even nowadays it's difficult to do when you're getting called names after 16 years. you just try to be a little bit professional and go on. sometimes that can be very difficult. >> so recovery, keith? you want to make a point there? >> as far as anger cycles, me, that's my problem. my biggest problem is the anger in me. >> out of more than 2,600 prisoners, a few are eligible for and volunteer newspaper the prison's one therapy opportunity, a group that meets once a week. >> i'm angry because i'm locked up. i'm angry because i'm not with my family, my children. i can't do the things i want to do. they tell me when to eat. they tell me when to sleep. they tell me when i can go, when i can't. that's a whole cycle to me there. >> are you ever angry not just about things that have happened to you or thi