get to him. >> keteyian: a challenge zarate, from the white house, threw out at a meeting with mike braun and his d.e.a. team. the d.e.a. had just pulled off a string of extraordinarily successful captures of high- value terrorism targets around the world, like afghan drug lords. >> braun: d.e.a. agents live for the hunt. >> keteyian: but, mike, no one had even gotten a sniff on this guy. >> braun: let me tell your something, armen-- when i'm sitting there next to juan, and my guys are sitting across the table from him-- the very best that our government's got to offer-- and he tosses this out on the table, and i look him in the eyes, and they're looking back at me, like, "we'll do this. we can do this." >> zarate: but it was about a 5% chance in the back of my mind. and so, you know, i wished them well and i went back to the white house. >> braun: mike braun's thinking 95%, okay. 5% and 95% make 100%. he was going down, he was in our crosshairs. >> keteyian: the d.e.a. supervisor put in charge of the hunt for viktor bout was louis milione. >> louis milione: we felt that we could create a