still with us, bill snyder, mike bray, and mark hamron. bill snyder, the economy--we could go from door to door and show people the numbers, but that would not change the way they feel, and politics is a feel business. >> it's very subjective. one of the complaints you hear about the economy and one that is very new is the sense that globalization is a burgeoning threat to american workers. they're made to feel that they need to compete with low-paid foreign workers, and for them that's not fair. the economist will tell you if you can pay less, that is fair but for workers that is unfair that they're being forced to compete in the global economy. >> there are a lot of people who have taken themselves out of the job market. they haven't retired. they don't show up in the numbers. >> i don't know if there is a direct correlation between globalization and the number of people who are working or want to working, the labor participation issue that you raise. i think it definitely is making the u.s. kind of a reset to a standard that is set by t