joining us to parse through this, congress member mike crepo, as always, senator, thank you for joiningteresting, the headline in the wall street journal says the white house doesn't want new taxes, but the house leadership and the senate leadership do. who's right and who's wrong? how do you play this? >> it's hard to tell right now, but very clearly each side pointed out the important aspects of a budget deal to them today, and it was very clear that there were some very big chasms between us that we will have to bridge. that being said, i was actually a little bit heartened by the fact that we all tended to talk about the fact that we need to find the consensus that we can build and find those areas where we do have overlap in our positions and build forward what we can. we probably won't get the grand bargain out of this conference and you know from our previous discussions that that's what i'm angling for, but i think there is an opportunity for us to protect the savings we currently have into place and maybe even move a little bit into reform of entitlement programs as we try to f