again come as a person of faith given to me as mike cryer -- creator to be taken from me at any time and what is the purpose in the first place if i allow my spirit to die prematurely because of my physicality may be taken away? the only thing i fear is, to be honest, i will die before my mother. i do not want her to bury me or any children before we bury her. after that, even before that , i will not give the enemy a reason in humanity. that is why i support the voices of the arab world that typically do not get reported. >> you say that conversation is happening with muslims in the u.s., but i would like to know where can we listened. [laughter] and somebody from south asia i would like to know so what about pakistan? >> as i see that telling e-mail where you can eavesdrop if you will on those reformist conversations, first of all, pick up my book i have been on the receiving end from those reform-minded muslims and have had that on my a website the last decade and created a dialogue and a multi log with those folks that frankly because i have the tracking mechanism that i was able