this graduation, you make sure you have your tissue because i was -- i think i was sitting next to mike delaneterry's husband, and i was boo-hookiing the whole time. these people couldn't believe they made it through. i remember the story of one of the young men who said he wasn't going to school that day when the delancy van showed up to pick him up. and the guy who was driving said i'll be right here waiting until you get into the van. they would not take no for an answer. they were on those kids like white on rice. they were not going to let one of those kids fail. so that's why today is so incredible. it's long overdue. it's long overdue to have a place for kids who may not have the best environment at home, where we know the challenges of sometimes living in poverty can take you in the wrong direction. where we have seen too many of our kids cycle in and out of the criminal justice system, when we know they have so much indecreed potential to do amazing things. providing a safe place for them to be, a safe place to call home and be amongst one another and a supportive environment where th