proof, but some say some members of the opposition went out and got a gentleman by the name of mike dugeond-u-g-e-o-n. mike was a young guy, in his 30's. had not been involved in politics before, but the cynical expectation was that a majority of voters in detroit would not recognize the difference between mike duggan and mike dugeon. but they did. they wrote in mike duggan, the white guy. and his opponents decided they would try to get him disqualified on the ballot count because it was a write-in ballot. they sent it to the state. state did a recount and found out mike duggan won more votes in the original count. that's why i was saying there was democracy in the city and voting rights at a high level. a write-in campaign for the first white mayor in 35 years. this is a testament to the people of detroit. they put aside race and thought, despite what some people thought, who is the best guy with the best track record? mike was ceo of dmc, detroit medical center and built up. who has the best record and probability for running the city? we think it is that guy. that is who they voted for.