krkr stmtraer 13's mike everett ins usive.. mike, wewe derstand someththg a a litt d dferent ababtoday's nds. goodvening jas, for the most part, gusty windndnd these are ways a concern,ut these windnds ararar a litt diffent from last weeks. last week's winds came in fifi and starts, givi lulls in between the gusts. today's nd has been fairlyonst all day long. e e lt has been a ahole lot of dowowd rbagagcans ananpatio du pollen, making it tough r r oswho work oside. but yondhe mihief, the fire concerns, even in the wier. . hn murphy kno is a a too wewe. "when i was a child, i was here fothth1950 f fe - ananthatatat happened in the wiwier. i lhink it happened in janunuy. big windndand dr.. and d ols. that's all it takes." for now, alle n dot wait, nds and dry..... d fools. that's l it takes." r now, a a we t can dot wait, watchope that the w w w d-e down without any more accidents or fires. that red ag rning is still in eect thugh seven o'o'ock tonight, but we're going to he to keep our guards up p well bond th. .&.& live in colod