>> because when they yap hended him he said he was mike finkel. of the "new york times." >> whoa.say, i have never even read a story quite like this. that scene actually happened to you in real life. what was going through your mind when you got that call? >> yeah. it was possibly the creepiest moment of my life. career low feeling terrible strange phone call comes, i thought it was a guy asking what happened at "the new york times" and he's asking me about four murders which at the heart of the story is a huge strategy three children and a wife killed and i was comfound and confused. >>? life we think about the connections we make with other people and often think about them deliberately who do you try to meet and spend time with. what in this story, this experience that you had, revealed the way you can be drawn up in something completely randomly? >> as my -- in my career as a journalist i spept times and p in really unusual places in the middle east, months and months in afghanistan, i thought i could read people. look at someone, i'm not going to get in that car, you're telli