and in 2010 after scott brown won that victory in mike galanos. after the bp oil spill, and during the 2011 bad economic news, and during the 2012 election. even this year when the president took on syria. so the next time somebody asks you, can obama recover? i think the smart bet is, yes, he can. so to you -- >> can i point out. >> surmaking my point, sir. if in fact it is the case, betting on the failure, isn't it reckless and foolish on the part of the republican party to have one strategy, which is to hope obama fails? that's the only strategy, as best as i can tells. >> remember the shovel ready? remember obama care, demonstrated weakness around the world? >> again, this is your whole strategy. >> it's not a strategy. >> but what is your strategy? you have no strategy for getting jobs for the country, no strategy for immigration. am i wrong? >> the next time i do this showing i'm bringing a couple hundred bills to show you. >> on the still his, the economic is in fact growing, jobs are being added. this republican party is a lot different th