find out how this system as independent contractors works, drive another two hours to speak with mike groda's the director of sales for modern sheds. >> we are all taking care of ourselves and we realize that we can continue to grow the company as well as our own ventures and self-interests by continuing to work hard and put the time in. myself, i won't be successful unless modern shed is successful. >> so what's ryan secret? how has he persuaded all the independent vendors to serve a common goal and help him grow his company? >> as a vendor you're going to do all you can do to keep your customer happy, right? >> and here at modern shed each of these managers are both customers and vendors to each other. and they say that keeps them working harder to please each other than if they were merely coworkers employed by the same boss. >> the independent vendors are more moteivated than employees. our business is in our head all the time, it is constant really. because we are working on our own business and in this case we have a common model, which is modern shed. >> everyone in this process has