. - i'm mike halliday. this is my wife. - hello. - how do you do? - i'm a neighbor of yours. up on the point. i remembered this morning i left a few things down here. thought i better stop by and pick them up. hope i'm not intruding. - no, no. - no, not at all. - you, uh you don't mind then, - go ahead. - thank you. i'm pretty proud of this. like a mother with her first born in a way. this is my first attempt at sculpture. - when did you do this? - couple of months ago. i was living here at the time, thanks to the willmans. - it's a nice piece of work. - thank you. - do you use a model for that? - why yes, you know her? - i did once. - then you must come and see us. - just a minute. - hmm? - don't these belong to her? - they look familiar. i didn't realize - mark, why don't you walk home with mister clymer and carry these for him. - oh nonsense, i can take them. - i'm sure mark would be happy to, wouldn't you, mark? - not just now, debbie, some other time. - it isn't far. - i said, not know. come see us when you feel up to it, halliday. night. - that's the first cowardly thin