next speaker >> my name is mike hardestien. from my experience the police are not here to protect you they're here to protect property. and sweep up the mess you must protect yourself if you have any common sense whatsoever you will make measures to protect yourself personally caught two rapists, the police didn't give a damn because she was homeless and the other one didn't care because was a mental patient. so what are we going to do keep the monsters off the street? this say key problem the war on drugs are a soft holocaust they have threatened to kill me and shoot my dog my car was stolen or impounded 25 times for driving under the influence of poverty there is 5 million that have lost their license to unpaid fines and failures to appear for child support and dui's that may or may not be valid how do you want me to make money? i will feed my family do i have to steal to do it? simply stop spending money harming me stop spending money for harming my kids poor people should be able to ride the buses for free. poor people ride