it is reassuring to hear from mike heims that they are going to have a plan next year for some kind of renewable energy buildout, but i don't think that's going to change what i said, that it is not the s.f. p.u.c.'s role to do the kind of build-out we're talking about. the numbers we just saw are really troubling. so 70% is not 100% by 2030. and, also, it doesn't make any sense to count large hydro because that's already there. it's not newly built renewable energy. that doesn't solve any of the problem of the climate crisis. we need to build new renewable energy resources and efficiency and storage, and we need to do it locally because of line loss over long distance transmission lines, and because of the fire danger of long-range transmission lines. we need to build renewable energy in our own community and in this region so that 100% of our energy comes from renewables by 2030 from our region. the more we're locally independent that way, the easier it is to turn off the long-range transmission lines when there is fire danger. the more autonomous we, and the big, huge rate increases