that comes out, one of the very first cases that i'd worn, and i consequence this with my brother mike kohn, we actually won it in the press, literally. literally. it was a case of a savanna river site, roger wenzel, great guy and he blew the whistle on illegal drug use and some major safety issues in the construction of atomic weapons. and he was the first national whistleblower on an atomic weapon site concerning health and safety. and what we learned very quickly was that the law for atomic safety excluded weapons industry. so he had no right. but he had an extremely interesting story and a lot of credibility. so we took it to -- it was a journalist at the "washington post," cass peterson and she ran a good story about his case. it was on page three, excellent story. we were going to win anything, but the contract your overreact to it and fired his number one but as. so the firing of the witness then became a page one story in the "washington post" and then continued coverage because that's how just outrageous the contractor reacted to the story. so then the journalist confronted the sec