problem.rt of the pigs and my cows and chickens and mike kroebs and i love all of you and can do it. thanks. applause] >> you can guys all hear me? >> yeah. > i'm kate mcbride and i come different a situation with a different hat. last year i spoke at our day and and ke about my raw dairy why i got into my raw dairy. the reason was my daughter. have a special needs doubt here has lung disease and no life system and suddenly became all about pro biotics and anti-biotics and enzyme properties and oxygen and now my my heros that 'm humbling sitting on the opposite side of the podium and and ng all of his works various people like courtney white who wrote a book that upon me greatly, hope, and now d it's all about oxygen, yes, the raw dairy, but also to add to factor carbon. d i'm oxygen and carbon in xide and i find myself the right place i hope. think oh my gosh what should do i. ut then again maybe i should be. dairyising -- i run a raw pigs and ornery bull ve an he becomes part of the meat. to change t can i do the carbon situation? what can i personally do? sell