all eyes were on mike lubahn as he entered the courtroom. en shifted as one to prosecutor lewin, who told the court that that very morning, mike finally revealed to him the secret he'd been keeping almost 32 years. and so, now lewin did the talking, and mike, for once, said not a word. >> all of the information about them fighting about the selling of the house, he says that was truthful. that occurred. >> then carol stormed out, and it might have blown over, as arguments do, but she came back at 1:30 a.m. and said the one thing that would not blow over, not ever. >> she told him that she was going to be taking somebody else, another man, to her sister, terry's upcoming wedding. he said he was very upset. >> she tried to comfort him. then, he said. >> and she was telling him, don't worry, you'll find somebody else, et cetera. >> and that was the last thing carol lubahn ever said. >> he didn't want to hear it, and he said that he pushed her. she fell and hit her head on a heavy end table in the living room. he said that she didn't bleed, but h