and the office of the secretary of defense, who better to talk to the mr. maloof is so good to have it on the program today. mike, thanks for coming on so quickly as well. it's a hell of a story this, you know, spooky tales from the united states have put in a mean to take over europe or washington's funds for key of keep guessing small uh seems to be a bit of a contradiction and to understand what are your thoughts on this as well, my thoughts are quite a few. number one, there is no indication that the president putting has designs on taking on europe. it's it's, it's that old scenario. well, if we don't do it here, it's going to be like hitler taking over the rest of your and we say no indication of that. in fact, just the opposite. number 2, i think that lloyd austin's efforts are an attempt to try and reinvigorate nato number one, but number 2, to try to keep the spotlights of the public relations spotlight on ukraine in light of the this really come us more because that is sapping a lot of our funds and available stockpiles and, and it's, it's, it's an open acknowledgment even by i missed as a wednesday of