mike manypenny, will you come up and accept this, please? pplause, and whistling] mike: the ones that deserve this award are every one of you. you're the voices that come down to charleston and tell the legislature that you're not going to stand for this anymore. the biggest part of my platform has always been to fight for clean water. until we get rid of big money in politics, we're not going to change anything because they'll fund a campaign against somebody. i mean, the coal association put a lot of money in the last election to unseat me. each of those mails cost about $10,000 apiece. "mike manypenny--bad for west virginia." "mike manypenny is hurting west virginia's job growth." and here one of my favorites: "meet the we virginia extrem team--obama and mike manypenny." ul: i'm sure that mike manypenny was targeted because of his outspoken nature regarding the health and the well-being of all people of this state. mike: i have had death threats. i've had people chasing me down the road in pickup trucks, flashing their lights, honking thei