and i said mike mccurry, thank you.and i sent a note -- >> host: sent a note to finish. >> guest: sent a note to mike mccurry to tell the president thank you. and the president wrote me back on white house letterhead, and that's all she wrote. [laughter] >> host: that's a good one writing a thank you note to the president for getting a question in and getting a letter back. >> guest: just common humanity. >> host: how -- in news conferences you talk about that first question when you called yourself or considered yourself media slime. was it the content of your question, or what was it that you felt and were reporters hostile to you? >> guest: i don't think, i don't think it's content of the question. i just think immediate cra slime, a friendly adversarial relationship in that building, and the american public, to some extempt, they don't like us -- extent, they don't like us, and others do. so when we get classified negatives, i say we're media slime. but it might have been for others that they didn't like that questi